The DOE Toolkit is an add-on for Mathematica® that enables you to generate all the classical experimental designs as well as more modern designs within your Mathematica® notebook.
The functions that the DOE Toolkit provides enable you to create the following types of experimental designs:
Full Factorial
Fractional Factorial
Central Composite
Each DOE Toolkit function creates the design you specify in the form of a Mathematica Dataset object. Thus, you can leverage all the power of Mathematica's Dataset technology to modify and analyze your designs.
In addition to its design generators, the DOE Toolkit provides the following tools:
The Augment tool makes it easy to add central points, axial point groups, replicates, and blocking to your design.
The Optimizer allows you to find an optimal subset of runs based on a previously generated design.
After you have performed the experiment based on your design and recorded your experimental results, the Desirability Manipulator allows you to visually explore the consequences of changing factor settings in a multiple response model.
System Requirements
Mathematica® v12 or later.
Works with Windows, Macintosh, and Linux versions of Mathematica.
For more information, visit our User Guide page, where you can find the complete DOE Toolkit User Guide in PDF form.
If you would like to try the DOE Toolkit, visit our Demo page, where you can download a demo version of the product.
To purchase a copy of the DOE Toolkit, visit our Shop page. Discounted pricing is available when you purchase multiple copies of the DOE Toolkit and for site licenses. Please contact us if you are interested:
Mathematica® is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research.