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M2SLink is an add-on for Mathematica that enables you to access the functionality of SAS from your Mathematica notebook. With M2SLink, your Mathematica notebook becomes your interface to SAS, allowing you to leverage the computational power of SAS while working within the Wolfram Notebook environment.

M2SLink allows you to import any SAS dataset (Version 7 or later) directly into your Mathematica notebook without having to use SAS transport files, and you can export data from your Mathematica notebook directly to a SAS dataset. You can also import and export your data as JMP data tables.

Using M2SLink, you can  any SAS program from Mathematica and automatically retrieve the results that are ordinarily displayed in the output and log windows in SAS.

Your SAS dataset is imported into your Mathematica notebook in the form of a Mathematica Dataset.  This allows you to leverage Mathematica's powerful dataset functionality to view and analyze your imported SAS data. Built-in SAS formats and user-defined formats are fully supported. Date, time and date-time values are automatically converted for you as you transfer your data between Mathematica and SAS. Passwords and encryption for exported data are also supported.  All the metadata associated with your SAS dataset is automatically imported as well.


You can explore your data using M2SLink's unique interactive scatter plot and dataset viewer.


System Requirements

  • Windows 64-bit operating system
  • 64-bit version of Mathematica for Windows (e.g. Version 11 or greater)
  • 64-bit version of SAS for Windows (e.g. Version 9)

M2SLink 4.0

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